
『The Perfect 10』/Louise Kean (著) ¥1292

  • ペーパーバック: 400 p ; 出版社: HarperCollins ; ASIN:0007198922 ; (2005/07/04)

From Publisher
Ever since Eve took a bite out of the apple, women have had a complex relationship with food. Sunny Weston will drink to that, as long as it's only a black coffee - she's got no room for empty calories in her diet.

After years of struggling to be both big and bold, Sunny decided that there had to be more to life than the freedom of the biscuit-barrel. But with half her bodyweight gone and still in dogged pursuit of perfection, she starts to understand the truth of the old adage that happiness in life is a way of travelling, not just a destination. At her largest she felt virtually invisible, now she wishes she could find somewhere to hide, preferably in the arms of some strapping young man who loves her just for herself. Fat chance.

Instead she runs into a cynical loner with more than a touch of the Bogart about him and it looks unlikely to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.